Click to pick up the Draw Character from under the cursor. Click and drag to draw a rectangle. Type a character to use it for drawing. Press delete to use automatic characters. Click and drag to draw a circle. Type a character to use it for drawing. Press delete to use automatic characters. Click and drag to draw a line. Type a character to use it for drawing. Press delete to use automatic characters. Click to fill area. Type a character to use it for filling. Click to erase characters. Click to draw individual characters. Type a character to use it for drawing. Press delete to use automatic characters. Click and drag to move the edge of the text rectangle. You can also type to enter text into the current text rectangle. Click and drag to create a new text baseline. You can also type to enter text into the current text rectangle. Click and drag to create a new text baseline. Click and drag, or use the arrow keys to move the rectangle of text. You can also type to enter text. Click and drag to select a rectangular area for picture copying and pasting. Click and drag, or use the arrow keys to move the rectangle for picture copying and pasting. Click and drag to select a rectangular area. Use the Command key to shrink selection. Click and drag, or use the arrow keys to move the selected rectangle. Option-Drag to copy.